

The theater is the most important monument of Byllis of the ancient period. Together with the great stoa and the stadium, it determines the architectural composition of the agora from the middle of the third century BC. The southeast corner of the agora was chosen for construction of the theater. The sharp rise of the terrain there made it possible to use the slope for building and stairs. There were 40 stairs of 40cm high.


In addition, the position, which adjoined the city wall and gate nr.4, permitted a direct connection of the theater with the village territory of the koinon, from which a large part of the spectators came. Thus they did not have to pass through the quarters of the city.


The theater had a capacity of 7.500 spectators.


Theatre representations in antiquity were related to Dionysus and held in March- April. They went on for several days from morning till evening, so spectators needed a place to rest, to eat or take shelter in case of rain. Astoa wa built for those pruposes aside the theater, along the wall of the agora. It had dimensions of 60 m x 11,40 m . The side to the agora was opened with a Doric colonnade downstairs and a Ionic colonnade upstairs. Remains of a furnace were found. Water from the roof was gathered in a pond in the middle of the stoa, to be forwarded to a yet undiscovered place.

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